A Walk in the Snow
Down through the leaves of the old oak tree
Please let the moon that shines on me
Shine on the one I love....
I took a walk in the moonlight with my husband tonight. It's funny how the need to get some necessities at the drugstore can turn into something slightly romantic. The moon, the cold, our gloved hands clasped as we crunched through the snow made the mundaneness of the task seem special.
One of the quirks in my personality is that everything reminds me of a song. Tonight, I was reminded of something my parents used to sing to each other during lulls in conversation as our family would travel in the car. I have so many memories of them singing silly little songs....songs about grandfather's whiskers, Sammy's wallpaper, and Skinamarinky dinky dink.
But it was the one about the moon that came to mind tonight. Mom says that she sang it to herself when Dad was in the Air Force during WWII. She was a girl in Wisconsin, he a soldier in India, and each of them would look upon the moon as the years past during that war, and they would smile knowing that the light was watching over each of them while they were away from each other.
Of course, they were two of the lucky ones. She patiently waited for him, and he came home alive. And as the decades passed, the song was sung to each other even when they were face to face. It became the melody that somehow bound them to the past, and helped them look forward to the future. And, now, 60 years later, they still sing the same song.
As my husband and I walked together tonight, I sang the song to him. He gets embarassed when I do things like that, but it's a wife's duty to do that from time to time, I think. And I have a pleasant assurance that the love that my parents have and share is reflected in the moonlight, just as our love brightens the life we share. The same moon, the same song, the same kind of love.
Laurie, this is just so beautiful and tender.
Afternoon Laurie! Please allow this slight commercialism. As fellow exodus journalists/bloggers, we are letting people know of our new blog called, Directory Assistance. We are hosting to the community a list of names and locations of bloggers who had once been AOL journalists, or are still AOL journalists, but who have opened in exchange, or addition an Internet Blog.
Directory Assistance is published by an advocate team of Vivian, Judith, Patrick, Gabreael, Virginia, Vince and me (Ayn). We are offering an open community blog that serves as a form of connection between you and community members like us.
You are invited to stop by Directory Assistance blog and leave questions, comments, concerns, or make additions, changes, or deletions of your blog listing. At the bottom and top of the sidebar Directory list, there will always be the most recent html update of people and journals listed at Directory Assistance, changes will be updated daily.
You are invited to copy these codes freely to your sidebar or blog body and update as often as you would like. Again it is a list of your fellow Journalists/Bloggers (who wish to be included). If you like the service, please let others know. At its starting point, there are approximately 170 of us represented on the list. Thanks for being here and letting us stop by. Let us also know your thoughts!
With all our heart,
Your Directory Assistance
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